Completes a user signup with email and password.
use mirrorworld_sdk_rust::{ login_with_email, NetEnv };pub struct LoginWithEmailParam <'a> { pub email: &'a str, pub code: &'a str, pub password: &'a str,}fn main() { let payload = LoginWithEmailParam { email: "[email protected]", password: "super-safe-password", code: "123456" }; let res: &LoginWithEmailRes = login_with_email(payload);}// Response types#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]pub struct LoginWithEmailRes { pub access_token: Option<String>, pub refresh_token: Option<String>, pub user: Option<LoginWithEmailUserAttribute>,}#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]pub struct LoginWithEmailUserAttribute { pub allow_spend: bool, pub id: usize, pub eth_address: Option<String>, pub sol_address: Option<String>, pub email: String, pub email_verified: bool, pub is_subaccount: bool, pub username: String, pub main_user_id: Option<String>, pub wallet: LoginWithEmailWalletAttribute, #[serde(rename = "createdAt")] pub created_at: String, #[serde(rename = "updatedAt")] pub updated_at: String,}
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